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General Index Eurobob Non Oxy (E10) Derivatives Launch

GX Eurobob Non Oxy (E10) swaps are now listed on the ICE Exchange – enabling transactions of physical volumes and swap contracts against a liquid, representative index.
June 22, 2023

EU environmental mandates are accelerating the shift from E5 gasoline to higher-ethanol E10 fuel, as the energy transition enters a new phase.

However, benchmarks have not kept pace with the gasoline markets, limiting liquidity.

General Index is the tech-led benchmark provider leading the adoption of E10 – and driving down industry costs.

GX Eurobob Non Oxy (E10) swaps are now listed on the ICE Exchange – enabling transactions of physical volumes and swap contracts against a liquid, representative index.

The key topics covered were:

  • Status of the European gasoline market - shift to E10
  • General Index and gasoline: the story so far
  • ICE swaps listings on 26 June: what comes next?
  • General Index as the custodian of the benchmark