Transparent, compliant methodology

Predictable commodity prices derived
through a unique coded methodology.
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Designed by experts
General Index pricing
Trusted by 3k+ users
Crude oil
daily energy prices
General Index London team
General Index trading
General Index data
data contributors
General Index research
Data gathering
We gather data from over 190 sources - chosen for the relevance to the specific market being assessed.
General Index portfolio manager
Validation engine
Normalizes, deduplicates and verifies data - minimizing integration cost for submitters and ensuring accurate index generation.
General Index trading icon
Trade & fundamentals data
Our Data Lake manages all inputs to enable the pricing engine to correctly determine market pricing.
General Index data
Pricing engine
Step-by-step pricing calculations through rigorous algorithms - ensuring consistent application of the methodology.
General Index data access
Index price store
A unique data format that enable subscribers to effectively integrate data into their workflows - quick access to key prices.
General Index API
Data output
A range of outputs including API, email and all third party data aggregators - allowing you to access the data how you need.
Understand our
Download our methodology framework for a full view of our approach to commodity pricing.
General Index sustainable aviation fuel
Holiday Calendar
The General Index holiday calendar shows key dates throughout
2024/ 2025.

Each General Index assessment series has an associated holiday calendar which specifies dates on which prices will not be distributed. These dates primarily reflect national holidays in each region.
Global reach across energy markets
Select an industry
General Index crude oil jack
Crude oil
Daily price assessments for European, US, Canadian, Middle Eastern and West African markets. Including Dated Brent, BFOE forwards, ICE HOU/CME NYMEX, Westridge, Dubai / Oman prices, Bony Light, Qua Iboa and more.
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General Index LPG refinery
Refined products
Daily benchmarks and forward curves for the North West European, Mediterranean, North American and Asian markets. Covering light distillate, middle distillate and gasoline markets.
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General Index tank storage
Tank storage
Unique North American storage tank pricing data covering heavy ends, crudes, gasolines, distillates & blendstocks.
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General Index LPG
European & Asia-Pacific LPG benchmarks including spot and swap prices for propane and butane, as well as North America NGL Mont Belvieu assessments.
General Index marine fuels
Marine fuels
Port-level delivered marine fuel prices for 500+ bunkering locations in Europe, North America, Africa, Middle East and Asia - based on a historic dataset of 40,000+ data points.
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Hydrogen plant
Blue, grey and electrolysis hydrogen price insight into the world's key pricing hubs: Europe, Asia and North America.
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General Index voluntary carbon
Over 300 spot and forward curve price assessments across the voluntary carbon markets (VCM), compliance carbon and marine carbon sectors.
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Biofuels facility
Daily Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) production prices & biodiesel spot prices covering a range of methyl esters.
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Sustainable aviation fuel
Sustainable aviation fuel
Prices constructed using spot & production cost-based models covering Europe, North America and Asia Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) markets.
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