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General Index data now available on Snowflake Data Marketplace

Users can now purchase General Index data using existing credits, streamlining the procurement process.
February 4, 2025
General Index data now available on Snowflake Data Marketplace

We are excited to announce that General Index's comprehensive suite of commodity and energy price benchmarks are now available on the Snowflake Data Marketplace.

This integration empowers data professionals needing oil and energy transition related pricing data to seamlessly incorporate our data into their analytical workflows using Snowflake's secure and scalable platform.

Key benefits to Snowflake users

Seamless access: Users can access over 4,000 daily energy prices directly through the Snowflake Data Marketplace, eliminating the need for complex data pipelines or manual data transfers.

Pay with Snowflake credits: Users can purchase General Index data using their existing Snowflake credits, streamlining the procurement process.

Enhanced data security: By using Snowflake's secure environment, users can combine General index data with their own datasets without compromising security, ensuring compliance with industry standards.

This expansion of our Snowflake Data Marketplace listing marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing flexible and secure access to our data - with push to Snowflake also being a key feature of our latest solution, GX Go.

To find out more about our partnership, check out our Snowflake partner page.