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ARACON 2024, Rotterdam

24-25 October, Rotterdam, Netherlands
October 8, 2024
ARACON 2024, Rotterdam

As the decade moves towards 2030, a key milestone in the International Maritime Organization’s revised greenhouse gas strategy, ARACON 2024 will consider what a fit-for-purpose bunker industry of the future should look like – and what are the steps that companies should be taking now to remain aligned with clients’ expectations and also be competitive.

Conference speakers will examine the sector from every angle and consider how it is responding to new regulations (EEXI, CII, the EU Emissions Trading System, FuelEU Maritime) and the shift towards greater industry transparency through the use of digitalisation, e-BDNs, mass flow meters, bunker licensing and fuel traceability.

Nakul Hirani will be joining global decision makers from the shipping and bunkering community to discuss the importance of consistent and compliant marine fuel pricing data.

Nakul Hirani, Senior Pricing Analyst

Learn more about ARACON 2024 here.