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Marine Fuels: The Challenges of Adapting

Rustin Edwards, Head of Energy Procurement and Risk Management at Euronav NV, takes us through the bunker fuels space.
May 14, 2024

"Ever-changing and adapting."

Across the energy transition landscape, few markets are expecting the journey to reduce emissions to be plain sailing.

In this episode of the podcast, we're looking at the marine fuels (bunker fuels) space, and like the other markets we've considered so far, particularly SAF, there are a number of challenges including changing fuels, adapting infrastructure, and regulatory dimensions.

David is joined by co-host, Eesha Muneeb, VP Crude at General Index, and guest Rustin Edwards, Head of Energy Procurement and Risk Management at Euronav NV.

This episode of The Price of Everything was introduced and presented by David Elward. It was produced by Andrew Wheeler at General Index, in collaboration with Janno Media.

If you’ve enjoyed this episode, or if you have any ideas and would like to be involved in future episodes, then please get in touch.

About Euronav

Euronav and CMB.TECH together represent a group with around 150 ocean-going vessels (including new buildings) in dry bulk, container shipping, chemical tankers, offshore wind vessels and oil tankers. The group focuses on large marine and industrial applications on hydrogen or ammonia. They also offer hydrogen and ammonia fuel to customers, through own production or third-party producers.